Pôle emploi

Creating an application

Pôle emploi - Public administrative establishment

Pôle emploi is a public administrative establishment responsible for employment in France.

The purpose of the application is to provide the most relevant tools to the user in order to complete and acquire the skills necessary for the user's professional project.

An application to find training via an algorithm. The goal is to complete a form related to our professional background.

Economies : des milliers de postes dans le viseur à Pôle emploi - Le  Parisien

My role

Design research

Journey mapping


UI/UX design


User testing

I was involved in the organization of a collaborative and iterative workshop allowing all the participants to join and engage them in the project:

Territory Map

User need

Map experience

Empathy Map

Creating a workflow

Creation of a workflow to explain how the different pages and paths worked together and to show the different possible actions on the pages.

Other projects: 

Let's Connect
Feel free to reach out for collaborations or just a friendly hello 😀
Contact me